What are you working on today? If you are feeling stuck, scared, or want to create more of the joy that you already BE (yes, be), then Cellular Regeneration Technique may be the tool that you are looking for! – Healing Circle
Cellular Regeneration Technique – Healing Circle
Thursday, March 15th, 2018
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Welcome! Come and bring your unique energy to my healing circle in Northeast Portland. We’ll be primarily using a wonderful modality known as Cellular Regeneration Technique, or CRT. It’s magical! CRT is a form of energetic kinesiology or muscle testing that works on the mental, physical and spiritual levels. With laser like accuracy, we’ll find the blockages that are keeping you stuck, and give you tools toward greater health and happiness.
CRT utilizes the body’s own innate knowledge to pin point and uncover traumatic situations, trapped negative emotions, or even behavioral reactions to toxins in our environment. We are assisting the body in reprogramming the cells to have new, healthy responses to these stimuli.
Out with the old and in with the new! Clients experience enormous freedom and liberation when they can finally respond to life, instead of reacting from a place of fear and anger. Cellular Regeneration Technique can shed new light on old issues, and offers the client useful tools that can create real and lasting change.
The circle is a sacred space that is heightened by the energy of everyone who participates. We are all connected. Therefore, no matter who is in the “hot seat” (don’t worry it’s not scary), we all have the opportunity to heal from the energy.
6 Seats available – Please RSVP
Please Call or email ME, Jen, to RSVP:
We want to start promptly by 6:15, so please arrive on time. Call me if you have any issues. Please be prepared to stay a few minute past, should we go over.
Tea and light Pu Pus provided. I look forward to seeing you there! – Aloha
Jen’s House – Cully Neighborhood
5846 NE Sumner St.
Portland, OR 97218
To find out more about my healing practice and other modalities check out
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