Spring Equinox Jumbles

Spring Equinox Jumbles

“I don’t know what to do with myself today!”

– said multiple random people in Portland, Tuesday 3/20.


While the Spring Equinox is a beautiful, and long-awaited day, it might feel a bit unsettling to some of you. We’re still in new moon energy and there are major solar flares happening that are really shaking things up.

What to do? Most importantly, don’t make yourself wrong for not having focus this week. Get into the imaginative and creative energy that you have. Start jotting down ideas, play music, make art and let the energy move through you without having a lot of judgement around it.

Second, fight the urge to make yourself a victim. Instead, focus on three solid, positive truths about yourself. Use those to ANCHOR yourself through this time period.

Get outside while the sun is out and breath in the good vibes from every bit of nature you see over the next week. Even though the energy feels intense right now, remind yourself that its ok to expand your energy out and continue to receive from what the universe has to offer you.

TRUST that spirit is helping you to align with a higher intention, progress is being me, but for now you’re not required to DO, YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO BE. 

Aloha, Jen

By | 2018-05-10T19:14:14+00:00 March 21st, 2018|Energy Medicine|0 Comments

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