Benefits of Mindfulness in the Workplace – Portland

Benefits of Mindfulness in the Workplace – Portland

Mindfulness and positive psychology are skills that many of us were not taught in school, but studies show that the more mindful an employee is during their day, the greater their productivity and creativity.

Are you robbing yourself of an opportunity by not practicing mindfulness in your office?

Here’s a recent case study mentioned in the Harvard Business Review

“Aetna, one of the leaders of the movement to apply positive psychology practices to work, instituted a mindfulness training program designed to teach employees how to take short breaks to center themselves through meditation and yoga. More than a quarter of Aetna’s 50,000 employees have taken part. Mindfulness scores increased as expected, but incredibly, on average, stress levels dropped by 28%, reported sleep quality improved 20%, and pain dropped by 19%. Aetna also calculated the savings to the company, finding that, on average, mindfulness participants gained 62 minutes of productivity a week, which is an estimated $3,000-per-employee increase in productivity for the company each year.” (2015)

Did you know that Energy Medicine is a gentle, yet powerful way to teach mindfulness to your employees? It also offers the support and tools necessary to find balance and fulfillment in a fast paced and competitive corporate environment. 

Benefits of Energy Medicine –

Increase Productivity

Greater Creativity

Reduce Health Costs

Increase Employee Satisfaction

Increase Employee Time on Job

Improved teamwork

Improved Attitude and Emotional State

Better Coping Skills

Improved Sleep

Lowered Level of Cortisol

Increase in Serotonin

Calm the Fight or Flight Response

Less Inflammation = Better Health

What is Energy Medicine? –

The brain is a computer.  When a trauma or stress occurs, a pathway is created in the brain to respond protectively to any future stimuli that is similar.   What does this mean?  Modern man is almost always in a state of fight or flight response, causing low grade inflammation throughout the body and keeping us from functioning optimally.

The Process –

Through discussion, breath work, and guided meditation, clients discover what and where these emotional blockages have been hiding out in the body.  Reaching theta and alpha states allow participants to understand a new level of calm and awareness that they may have never experienced before.  Clients are supported with a variety of tools like positive affirmations and visualization.  They are empowered to finally release the emotional weight, stress, anger and fear that they’ve been carrying. This creates the quiet space that allows for greater creativity to flow.  Accessing the whole brain simultaneously, not just the left or right, enhances our memory, creativity and problem solving abilities. 

A positive attitude is contagious; the possibilities are endless!

By | 2018-04-04T21:18:12+00:00 June 6th, 2016|Energy Medicine|0 Comments

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